Unbelievably Amazing

“Unbelievably Amazing” is a true story about a drug addict’s journey to miraculous freedom and success. After 27 years of addiction, crime, homelessness, eating out of garbage dumpsters, prison, and 10 different rehabilitation centers, one encounter with Christ changed everything. From walking the street, talking to one self, half clothed, stinking and dirty to 2 State License to practice Social Work and counsel others who struggle with life controlling issues. A 3 state convicted felon with a 20 year sentence and spending an entire decade on the inside now has his rights restored by the Mississippi Legislation which were permanently restricted due to felony convictions. The high school dropout, GED, to Honors College graduate and a Master’s Degree. A 40 year old man who never worked a job more than 6 months is now employed by the United States Federal Government. This Unbelievably Amazing story has been featured on the front page of local newspaper, in Guideposts Magazine, YouTube Guideposts Video, and Pat Robertson 700 Club on television.
The ruling emotion of an addict is hopelessness. I want people to know that there is always hope in Christ, not emotions but facts and faith. The new life God has given to me is being offered to you too. He is waiting for you. He is waiting for you to reach out admitting you need HIS help. An encounter with Christ changed everything and one good thing after another has begun to happen. I dedicated my life to God, and I truly turned it over. Judy and I started fresh but I had a lot of damage to repair. After all, I did clear out our home twice before going to Teen Challenge. I can honestly say amid everything I had gone through with prison and drugs the first few months of Teen Challenge was a dark and trying time. I was clean, but for the first time, I had to truly look in the mirror at myself and find my way through faith to someone I’d never been. I didn’t even want to talk to Judy at all and I’m sure the feeling was mutual. This was my time alone with God, it was a time to give up trying to fix me. Focusing on GODs word, He created a new me, with a brand-new identity, literally a new creation. HIS story of my life is truly Unbelievably amazing.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
II Corinthians 5:17
Addiction Treatment Outcomes
All Roads Lead to Christ
Price: $20 paperback
This book examines how religiosity, specifically, church attendance, prior to admission into an addiction treatment facility (Teen Challenge) is related to the treatment outcomes of completing the program and the participants’ length of stay in treatment. Additionally, the study investigates how other factors such as marital status, ethnicity, alcohol and drug use, and level of education may be related to treatment outcomes. Using archival data of 388 enrollees in a Teen Challenge program in southern United States, the results show that religiosity prior to treatment admission is significantly related to program completion. However,the second outcome variable, length of time in treatment was not significantly related to religiosity. The findings also reveal that education was positively related to length of treatment, but not program completion. While more study is needed to understand the relationship between religiosity and addiction program completion, this study confirms a positive relationship between church attendance prior to treatment and program completion.
Alone with God
Price: $25 hardback
The compilation of poems you will be reading were written previous two, and during my 10-year incarceration. Purpose of this book is to expose the ignorance, mistakes, and bad choices that I made in life. The epitome of this book is as each poem was written it was a direct response to me from God, about my life. Ignorance now exposed is my understanding the voice within. That voice was and is the Holy Spirit trying to prevent me from experiencing the present time that I’m now doing. And I understood now that the voice was God himself speaking to me. I was so caught up in the world and all it had to offer I missed God speaking personally to me. God was extremely concerned about my drug addiction as you can read in the majority of poetry. I foolishly was led to believe that God gave me a gift to minister to young people through rapping gospel. The pursuit of fame and riches soon overwhelmed with superficial gift I thought was given to help others. Hopefully now as I sit in prison maybe this can minister to somebody, anybody. I just don’t want anyone else to go 8 through what I have. When it is all said and done all I had to do was be obedient to the small inner voice that never tells you any wrong. We all know that voice, that particular voice cannot be misconstrued with any other voice in our head.
That inner voice is our savior speaking to us. Trying to lead us to Mount Zion. God knows from birth that we cannot make it one block using our own site, we must have his guidance. Sadly, for me I knew it was him all along. I just didn’t know where the information that was being spoken to me. Pride led me to believe that I was special in God’s eyes, and he chose me to speak through. I found out sitting here in prison that I am special in God’s eyes, but he was speaking to me, and not directing me to speak or minister to anyone else other than myself. God loves me so much that he gave me poetry through his Holy Spirit to get my attention period to stop the drug use and abuse among other sins that were controlling my life period since I did not listen to the voice, my sin and disobedience awarded me a 20-year sentence in prison. I pray that this compilation is of poems will open up the ears of 1 individual to hear the inner voice of the Holy Spirit. We all know his voice very well; it is distinctively different than any other voice. His voice will never lie to you or tell you something wrong. This voice is always there 9 at the right moment to discourage you from doing wrong, no matter what it is. This voice is always there after you’ve done the wrong to encourage you to feel bad about what you’ve done. Biblically is called conviction, which leads to repentance. So many things I could tell you about this inner voice that we all know that would help you identify it. The most important thing I will stress is to guarantee penalty of not listening to that inner voice. That penalty for me as a 20-year sentence in prison, for others maybe life in prison, for you it may be death. Please listen to the inner voice gently speaking to you.